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The first enginnered tomato was the Flavor Sarv.Genetically modified tomato have certain genes which have added or deleted in the tomato to bring about desirable changes.The long lasting tomatoes start market in 1994.Long lasting tomatoes is a genetically modified tomatoes.It produce less tomatoes to rot,so it will stay firm and fresh for a long time.GM tomatoes can stay fresh longer  and resulting a better tasting tomato.GM tomatoes also can tolerate a lengthier transport time.So the tomatoes can sent to export to other country without being rot.


The tomatoes become resistance to pest because the insecticidal toxin from the bacillus thuringiensis have been inserted into tomato plant.So,there were no longer to use pesticide to avoid pest.The modified tomatoes have been improved their flavor and nutritional content.Tomatoes also benefits  in medical used,such the using of tomato to expressing a vaccine againt Alzhemer’s disease.


Sweet corn have been modified to produces a poison which kills harmful insects.The genetically modified corn then inserted with the insect killing gene which come from bacteria Bacillus thuringiensis.Sweet corn now is called Bt-corn. This means the farmer no longer needs to fight insects with insecticides.


Do not use insecticide to kill insects, so the environment have no exposed to large amounts of harmful insecticide.Can save the energy of farmer when they  no longer needs to walk around with a drum of toxic spray wearing a mask and protective clothing.The costs of production can be lowered by reducing inputs of machinery, fuel, and chemical pesticides.Crop yields can be  higher.


Golden rice is a type of genetically modified rice. Two genes from daffodil and one from the bacterium Erwinia uredovora were inserted in the rice genome. These three genes produce the enzymes necessary to convert GGDP to provitamin-A.The rice contain the beta-carotene.When people eat golden rice,the beta-carotene will then converted into vitamin A.The inserted genes are controlled by specific promoters such that the enzymes and the provitamin-A are only produced in the rice endosperm .


The rice help the poor people in underdeveloped country especially in their meals to make sure they get sufficient nutrient and vitamins  in their diet. The golden rise also can help millions of children in the world who suffer from blindness due to lacks of vitamins A.


The GM soybean  have been  modified by introducing a copy of a gene from the Agrobacterium sp. strain CP4. Conventional soybean has a similar gene in its DNA but is sensitive to glyphosate.The glyphosate is the active ingredient of the herbicide Roundup .This would lead to death of the soybean plants along with the weeds the herbicide was intended for. With the insertion of the CP4 of the gene, the GM soybean was able to develop resistance to the Roundup herbicide.


Soybeans and weeds can be sprayed with Roundup,killing the weeds and causing no harm to the soybeans.

Video 1 : Application and advantage of transgenic plants

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